Mother Teresa’s Irish Connection

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Before she ever journeyed to India, Mother Teresa needed to learn
some English as she began her life as a nun. She started out at the
Loreto Abbey in Rathfarnham, a suburb of Dublin. Mother Teresa knew
from a very early age that she wanted to work in India. She chose the
Loreto sisters because they were known for their missionary work in
India. She also was attracted to their reputation for being with people
in their su’ering. They were an order dedicated to serving those who
were suffering, not only with basic human needs but also spiritual
Mother Teresa had many nice memories of her short time in Ireland.
She spoke fondly of Mother Borgia Irwin who taught her English and
had also spent many years as a missionary in India. Mother Borgia also
taught Mother Teresa about Ireland. Mother Teresa enjoyed being
taught about Saint Patrick and felt a special affinity toward him. She
admired Saint Patrick not only for his great works but also because he
was a man of constant prayer.
Mother Teresa also spoke fondly about the stories of the first Irish
Monks, including Saint Kevin. She especially liked to hear of Saint Brigid
and admired the fact that her monastery in Kildare was known as the
City of the Poor because of its reputation for hospitality, compassion
and generosity. Mother Teresa learned from these stories of the Irish
Monks that you should not only care for people, but you should give
your heart to them as well.